How to Clean a Washing Machine: Step-by-Step Guide


The washing machine is an essential piece of furniture in the home since it keeps our apparel clean and fresh. With time, the performance degrades, odours accumulate, and mould grows due to an accumulation of dirt, soap scum, and other debris.

A washing machine has to be kept clean to operate at its best. You can find thorough cleaning instructions for each component of your washing machine right here, including the rubber gasket, detergent dispenser, filter, and drum.

We’ll also go over some standard maintenance techniques you can do to lengthen the life of your washer. So let’s learn how to maintain your washing machine effectively.

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How To Clean Washing Machine

How To Clean Washing Machine: Step-by-Step Guide

Your washing machine’s drum has to be cleaned often to prevent buildup that might weaken its performance. To completely clean the drum, kindly adhere to the following instructions:

Step 1: Empty the washing machine and remove any visible debris.

Start by completely emptying the washer. Last, look within the drum for visible objects, such as hair or lint. Try using a wet towel or a soft brush to clean the drum.

Step 2: Prepare a cleaning solution.

Next, create a cleaning solution by mixing baking soda or white vinegar with water 1 to 1. Cleaning a typical washing machine requires just one cup of vinegar or baking soda diluted in one cup of water.

Step 3: Scrub the drum with the cleaning solution.

A cleaning agent is included in the washing machine’s drum. The washing machine’s cleaning cycle might make use of the cleaning chemical. Alternatively, you might put the machine through a routine process with hot water and give it some time to stir to spread the cleaning agent properly. After leaving the solution to work in the drum for 30 to 60 minutes to remove residue and debris, turn the machine off.

Step 4: Scrub the drum.

After the cleaning solution has had time to do its job, gently scrape the interior of the drum with a brush or cloth. Extra upkeep is required for the agitator and the drum’s outside edges, particularly if either has accumulations or stains. The drum’s polish might be easily damaged if not handled carefully.

Step 5: Rinse the drum.

Do a cold water rinse cycle after thoroughly washing the drum to remove the cleaning agent and any lingering dirt. Repeat the rinse cycle to ensure that all of the detergents have been eliminated.

Step 6: Wipe down the drum and dry.

Then, use a fresh towel or cloth to dry the drum. Leave the washing machine door open for the drum to dry before your next load.

You can adequately clean the drum of your washing machine and restore it to peak performance by following these simple recommendations. The detergent dispenser and filter are covered in the next section of our cleaning guide for washing machines.

Cleaning the Detergent Dispenser and Filter:

Your washing machine’s filter and detergent dispenser should be cleaned in addition to the drum. These procedures may be used to clean the detergent dispenser and filter effectively:

Step 1: Remove the detergent dispenser.

Typically, the detergent dispenser for the washing machine may be taken off. Consult the user manual or manufacturer of the washing machine for instructions on how to remove it securely. When the dispenser has been disassembled, thoroughly rinse it in warm water to remove any detergent, fabric softener, or other residue that may have been collected within the dispenser. Start cleaning the hard-to-reach crevices and crevices using a brush or toothbrush.

Step 2: Soak the detergent dispenser in a cleaning solution.

If the detergent dispenser is dirty or clogged, you may want to soak it in a cleaning solution. White vinegar, water, or baking soda may all be used to make a cleaning solution. After filling it, let the detergent dispenser’s solution in there for 30 to 60 minutes. To remove any remaining dirt, brush it with a brush or toothbrush.

Step 3: Keep your filter clean.

The washer’s filter may capture lint, dirt, and other debris. Follow the directions in the manual to find the filter on your washing machine and ensure it is clean. Most of the time, cleaning the filter requires removing it and pouring clean water. To remove any last particles, brush your teeth or use a toothbrush.

Step 4: Reassemble the detergent dispenser and filter.

You should clean the detergent dispenser and filter individually, then reassemble them before turning on the machine. Make every effort to ensure that they are securely attached to the appropriate places.

Step 5: Run a rinse cycle.

Run cold water through the dispenser and filter after cleaning to remove any detergent or cleaning chemical leftovers.

Your washing machine could last longer and operate more effectively if the detergent dispenser and filter are kept clean. The following section discusses cleaning your washing machine’s rubber gasket and other parts.

Cleaning the Rubber Gasket, Exterior, and Other Parts:

To ensure complete cleaning, cleaning the rubber gasket, the machine’s exterior, and other parts is crucial. Consider employing the following techniques for thorough cleaning:

Step 1: Clean the rubber gasket.

The rubber gasket, known as the door seal, may develop mould and mildew due to moisture and detergent residue. Rubber gaskets may be easily cleaned with a soft cloth, sponge, water, and soap. Pay particular attention to any apparent stains or mould. Use a toothbrush to clean the nooks and crannies. Clean rubber gaskets must be dried with a clean towel after being washed in clean water.

Step 2: Wipe down the exterior.

You may use a moist cloth or sponge to clean the outside of your washing machine and the buttons and control panel. Stay away from anything rough or abrasive on the outside of the device. Use a dry towel to polish the exterior.

Step 3: Clean other parts.

Your washing machine’s water input filters, bleach softener dispensers, outside detergent pan, and other parts can also need regular cleaning. See your washing machine’s maintenance instructions or manual to learn where to look and how to clean these parts.

Step 4: Check for and clean any remaining residue.

Look for any debris or residual accumulation in the crevices of your washing machine’s door and control panel. Ensure your washing machine is pristine by cleaning it with a toothbrush or soft brush.

Step 5: Regular maintenance.

Use the necessary quantity of detergent, avoid overloading your washer, and leave the door open after each use so the drum and rubber gasket can dry out as part of good washing machine maintenance. By following these recommendations, you may extend the time your washing machine stays in excellent condition.

By following these directions to clean the rubber gasket, exterior, and other parts of your machine, you can maintain it perfectly and ensure that your clothes always come out clean. 


Certainly! In the end, regular maintenance is required to maintain your washing machine’s cleanest, most effective state. Proper care may prevent malfunctions, prolong the life of your machine, maintain its performance, halt the formation of mould and mildew, preserve energy and water, increase safety, bolster warranty coverage, and encourage excellent cleanliness for your clothing.

Cleaning the drum, the detergent dispenser, the rubber gasket, and the filter are a few examples of regular maintenance, as are scheduling professional maintenance according to the manufacturer’s instructions, and cleaning the drum, detergent dispenser, rubber gasket, and filter as necessary.

You may reduce the need for costly repairs, keep your clothing clean and fresh, and prolong the life of your washing machine by adopting these tips and practices into your routine for washing machine care. Always refer to the owner’s manual or the manufacturer’s instructions for specific maintenance advice.

Ask for professional assistance if necessary. You can benefit from clean, fresh clothing every time you use your washing machine and keep it running efficiently for years by paying regular maintenance the care it deserves.

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